Thursday, April 12, 2012

Frog Hops!

If you haven't had a chance to meet Ms. Hill, our new student teacher, please stop by and say hi!  she has been a wonderful addition to our class!

This week we have been talking about frogs!  Today we hopped like a frog and measured our hops with cubes and links.  Ask your child how long their hop was.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fun Kindergarten Lessons

We learned about water in science.  We discussed uses of water and explored its properties with droppers, foil and toothpicks.  Ask your child to tell you a way we use water each day.

In our mathematics study of measurement we found the area of our tables using a piece of paper as our non-standard unit of measurement.

When we studied "Parts of a Plant" Ms. Hill had us build a plant with our bodies and discuss what each part is responsible for doing:  
Roots: "gurgle, gurgle, slurp"; Stem:"I support. I transport."; Leaves: "We make food!"; Flower Center: "Seeds Seeds!"; Petals: "We attract bees!"  
Ask your child what part of the plant they were that day.

Congratulations to the 3rd Nine Weeks Celebration of Learning Winners!  They exhibited excellent citizenship in the classroom and a great performance in their specials classes.  Way to go!

This was our "Egg"spirament!  It demonstrated the strength of an eggshell when we studied Oviparous Animals.  We were able to stack 35 books on the eggs before they cracked!

We learned ALL about the farm in kindergarten!!!